Helen O’Sullivan

I am an Artist, a Celebrant and a Women’s Drum Circle Facilitator.

Welcome to my Website

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Helen O'Sullivan Artist


For me, I feel alive when I’m creating something with pencil, charcoal, watercolour, oils or acrylic and connecting with that. To see shapes emerge from a blank page or canvas is nothing short of exhilaration for me.
This is why I create.

Kerry Celebrant - Helen O'Sullivan


I am a celebrant with Spiritual Ceremonies of Ireland and I am able to perform legally binding weddings, as well as wedding blessings and holy communion alternative ceremonies.

Drumming Circle Facilitator - Helen O'Sullivan

Drumming Circle Facilitator

Twice a month (around the time of New and Full Moon) I host a Women’s Drumming Circle evening in a safe space where a group of women can drum in unison and take part in drumming meditation designed to be fun, therapeutic and relaxing!

I am an Artist, a Celebrant and a Women’s Drum Circle Facilitator.

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Mythical Artist

Spiritual Celebrant

Women’s Drum Circle Facilitator

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